Expertises de recherche
Domaine interdisciplinaire par excellence, la recherche en santé publique s’intéresse à tous les facteurs susceptibles d’influencer la santé des populations. Dans ce vaste champ d’exploration, l'ESPUM bénéficie d'un bassin exceptionnel de chercheurs et chercheuses avec un large éventail d'expertise sur les thématiques suivantes :
- Accreditation of healthcare organizations 2
- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) 3
- Action research 6
- Africa 6
- Aged/Elderly person/Older adult 6
- Aging 5
- Alcohol abuse 1
- Alcohol consomption 3
- Algeria 1
- Americas 7
- Antibiotic resistance 3
- Antisocial behaviour 1
- Applied statistics 6
- Arctic 2
- Artificial intelligence 7
- Asbestos 4
- Asia 2
- Asthma 6
- Atmospheric pollution 4
- Bacteria 2
- Bacterial genetics 1
- Bacterial growth 1
- Benin, Republic of 1
- Bioaerosols 3
- Bioethics 11
- Bioinformatics 3
- Biological contaminants 5
- Biological determinants of health 4
- Biological monitoring/Biomotoring 8
- Biomarkers 7
- Biomathematical models 3
- Biomechanical constraints 2
- Biosecurity 2
- Biostatistics 16
- Body image 1
- Brazil 2
- Burkina Faso 3
- Burundi 1
- Business Administration 1
- Canada 25
- Carcinogen 7
- Cardiorespiratory health 4
- Caribbean 1
- Case studies 10
- Central America 1
- Chad 1
- Change management (Healthcare) 5
- Chemical contaminants 12
- Chemical risk, chemical hazard 11
- Child 12
- China 1
- Chlorination disinfection byproducts (DBPs) 2
- Citizen participation 7
- Climatic changes 12
- Clinical ethics 5
- Clinical medicine 6
- Clinical practice 4
- Cohort studies 5
- Communication for health 2
- Community health 18
- Comoros 1
- Comparative effectivness analysis 8
- Conflicts of interest 3
- Cooperation 2
- Cost benefit analysis 1
- COVID-19 22
- COVID19 15
- Crowd control 1
- Cultural diversity 3
- Cultural theories 2
- Eastern Europe 1
- Ecological approach 6
- Economic evaluation methods 4
- Egypt 1
- Emergency measures 3
- Emergency services 4
- Emergency wait times 1
- Emerging infections 5
- Empirical bioethics 4
- Empowerment 6
- Environment 21
- Environmental epidemiology 17
- Environmental health 5
- Environmental Health 21
- Environmental hygiene 8
- Environmental Medicine 2
- Environmental Microbiology 1
- Environmental toxicology 4
- Epidemiology 38
- Ergonomics 2
- Ethnic attitudes 1
- Ethnocultural communities 7
- Ethnomedicine/Medical anthropology 3
- Europe 5
- Evaluation studies 14
- Evaluative research 18
- Exercise 10
- Exposure 12
- Exposure measurement 16
- Exposure modelling 10
- Exposure science 8
- Haiti 4
- Health care accessibility 16
- Health care/Healtcare services organization 23
- Health care/Healthcare costs 2
- Health care/Healthcare reform 6
- Health care/Healthcare services management 22
- Health determinants 22
- Health human resources 4
- Health Promotion 23
- Health risks 8
- Health Sciences education 1
- Health Services 10
- Health services administration 22
- Health services evaluation 23
- Health services utilization 11
- Health statistics 2
- Health systems analysis 22
- Health technology 7
- Health technology assessment 9
- Healthcare budgetary and financing 2
- Healthcare expenditure 3
- Healthcare leadership 7
- Healthcare/Health care organization 10
- Healthcare/Health care quality indicators 2
- Healthcare/Health care systems 12
- Healthcare/Healthcare quality evaluation 11
- History of medicine 2
- Honduras 1
- Hormone disrupting chemical 4
- Human body 2
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 5
- Human migration 3
- Human relationships 1
- Human resources management 6
- Human toxicology 5
- Immigrants 8
- Immigration 7
- Immunology 1
- Incidence (Epidemiology) 5
- India 2
- Indoor air pollution 3
- Indoor air quality 7
- Industrial disease 3
- Industrial hygiene 9
- Industrial toxicology 6
- Infant mortality 3
- Infection prevention and control 6
- Infections 10
- Infectious Diseases 17
- Information systems 8
- Inhalation toxicology 4
- Injury 1
- Innovation 8
- Inorganic compounds 1
- Integrated health care/Healthcare 5
- Integrated services networks 7
- Interdisciplinarity 14
- Interethnic relationships 1
- International mobility 2
- Interprofessional collaboration 10
- Interprofessional relationships 2
- Intersectorial trends 9
- Intervention in social service 1
- Intravenous drug use 3
- Ionizing radiation 1
- Madagascar 1
- Mali 3
- Management of biological threats 1
- Mass spectrometry 1
- Maternal mortality 4
- Mathematical modelling 5
- Mauritania 1
- Measurement methods for air pollutants 6
- Mediation 1
- Medical Care 3
- Medical decision making 3
- Medical economics 5
- Medical ethics 10
- Medical geography 3
- Medical microbiology 1
- Medical policy 2
- Medical records 3
- Medication compliance 1
- Mental health 14
- Meta-Analysis 3
- Metalloids 1
- Metals 7
- Metals in the environment 2
- Méthodes de recherche 10
- Metrology 7
- Mexico 1
- Microbiology 3
- Microorganisms 2
- Middle East 1
- Migration studies 3
- Mixed methods 14
- Mixture Toxicity 5
- Modelling in health care/Healthcare 4
- Molecular biology 1
- Monaco, Principality of 1
- Morocco 1
- Mortality 2
- Multilevel analysis 8
- Multivariate analysis 7
- Musculo-skeletal injuries or diseases 2
- Namibia 1
- Nanoparticles 4
- Nanotechnology 2
- Nanotoxicology 3
- Neighborhoods (Urbanism) 8
- Neoplasms 12
- New organisational forms 2
- Newly industrialized country 2
- Nicaragua 1
- Niger 1
- Noise 4
- non-ionizing radiation 1
- North Africa 1
- North America 2
- Nursing management/Administrations 2
- Nursing practice 2
- Nutrition 12
- Nutritional transition 2
- Obesity 9
- Occupational disease 9
- Occupational exposure assessment 12
- Occupational health 16
- Occupational hygiene 10
- Occupational risk assessment 11
- Occupations 3
- One Health 5
- Operations research 3
- Optimal drug use 5
- Organic compounds 4
- Organic solvents 4
- Organisational learning 5
- Organization 1
- Organization of primary care services 9
- Organizational and psychosocial constraints 2
- Organizational change 11
- Organizational culture 6
- Organizational performance 5
- Organizational theory 7
- Parasitology 1
- Participatory research 12
- Paternity 1
- Pathogenic fungi 1
- Patient 2
- Patient compliance 4
- Patient compliance 2
- Patient involvement 6
- Patient safety 3
- Patient-oriented research 1
- Perfluoroalkyl Compounds 1
- Performance of health care/Healthcare delivery services 7
- Performance of health care/Healthcare delivery system 7
- Perinatal Period 8
- Persistent organic pollutant 6
- Personality 1
- Personality development 1
- Peru 1
- Pesticides 7
- Pharmaceutical pollution 2
- Pharmacoeconomics 1
- Pharmacoepidemiology 4
- Pharmacokinetics 2
- Pharmacology 2
- Physical contaminants 5
- Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) 5
- Physiologically based toxicokinetic modelling (PBTK) 3
- Political participation 1
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) 2
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 4
- Population health intervention assessment 15
- Population’s health 38
- Postpartum depression 2
- Poverty 7
- Predictive toxicology 2
- Prematurity 2
- Prevention 28
- Preventive medicine 22
- Primary health care/Healthcare 8
- Privatization of health services 2
- Production management 2
- Professional ethics 3
- Professional ethics 5
- Professional identity 4
- Program evaluation 19
- Proteomics 1
- Psychiatry 3
- Psychological disstress 6
- Psychological tests 1
- Psychology 1
- Psychometrics 2
- Psychopathology 1
- Psychosocial adaptation 3
- Psychosocial maladjustment 1
- Public Administration 6
- Public health 58
- Public health practice 13
- Public health systems analysis 10
- Public policies 25
- Sanitation 5
- School dropout 1
- School environment 2
- Screening 1
- Senegal 2
- Seniors’ Health 6
- Sex and gender 8
- Sexual identity 2
- Silica 2
- Skills development in public health 4
- Skin/Cutaneous absorption 3
- Smoking 4
- Social action 3
- Social aspect of diet 3
- Social determinants 9
- Social Determinants of Health 30
- Social epidemiology 10
- Social inequality 29
- Social marketing 1
- Social medicine 9
- Social Networks 4
- Social policies 8
- Social problems 3
- Social psychology 1
- Social services and social work 3
- Social statistics 3
- Social theory 4
- Social work with group 1
- Socioeconomic status 7
- Sociological theories 3
- Sociology of health 2
- Solvent substitution 2
- South Africa 1
- South America 2
- South Asia 1
- Statistical models 9
- Stem cells 1
- Strategic analysis 6
- Strategic planning 3
- Stress 3
- Sub-Saharan Africa 4
- Surveillance 14
- Surveys 7
- Sweden 1
- Youths 14