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Experts in: Public health

Batal, Malek

BATAL, Malek

Professeur titulaire

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Godard, Béatrice

GODARD, Béatrice

Vice-doyenne aux études

Béatrice Godard has been interested in the socio-ethical issues of research and interventions in population health for several years. She has worked with researchers and health professionals on developing skills in ethics to help them pursue their research interests or their interventions in the health field. She has also worked with vulnerable individuals and groups (people with brain disorders, underprivileged populations, emerging populations) on the development of decision-making capabilities. More specifically, her research aims to examine (1) their concerns and needs in relation to the vulnerability situation in which they find themselves; and (2) the ethical processes to put in place to contribute to their empowerment. Her research work is centered on an empirical perspective and, to that end, she employs a wide range of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.


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O'Loughlin, Jennifer

O'LOUGHLIN, Jennifer

Professeure titulaire

Dr. O’Loughlin is a Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Montreal. She is a senior member of the Health Innovation and Evaluation Hub in the University of Montreal Hospital Research Center (CRCHUM), a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, a consultant to the Tobacco Control Research team at the Institut national de sante publique (INSPQ) and an elected member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Tobacco Consortium. Her team is housed at the CRCHUM and in addition to local researchers Dr. O’Loughlin has many ongoing collaborations nationally and internationally. During her 10-year tenure (to date) as a Tier I Canada Research Chair in the Early Determinants of Adult Chronic Disease, her research had focused on increased understanding of the relative importance of genetic, psychosocial, behavioral and environmental determinants of the childhood risk for adult chronic disease. She heads two pediatric cohort investigations (i.e., the Nicotine Dependence in Teens (NDIT) Study and AdoQuest) and she is a co-investigator on another four.

From 2007-13, she headed an interdisciplinary capacity enhancement team (funded 1.5 million by the CIHR), which included 35 investigators and students working on tobacco control research. Her research output over the past 5 years includes 123 publications and over 151 presentations at local, national and international conferences, as well as Knowledge Transfer products including 13 “Feuillets” on her work with INSPQ practitioners improving cessation counseling practices in six health professional groups. These feuillets are distributed to tobacco control practitioners and policy makers across Quebec and help assure that the results of her research are incorporated in practice.

Dr. O’Loughlin’s work has attracted media coverage, and she was one of the University of Montreal’s Top Newsmakers in 2008. Perhaps a key indicator of how her work is influential, is its citation in “Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults: A Report of the Surgeon General, 2012” and “A Report of the Surgeon General: How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease: The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease, 2010.” Her research is also cited in a recent INSPQ submission to the Quebec government on proposed legislative changes to the Quebec Tobacco Control Act. Overall Dr. O’Loughlin’s work exemplifies interdisciplinary research that is well-grounded in public health, it demonstrates leadership in child and adolescent research, and it provides the “cells to society” underpinnings for furthering early prevention of adult chronic disease.


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Williams-Jones, Bryn


Professeur titulaire, Directeur de département

An interdisciplinary scholar trained in Bioethics, Dr. Williams-Jones is interested in the socio-ethical and policy implications of health innovations in diverse contexts. His work examines the conflicts that arise in academic research and professional practice with a view to developing ethical tools to manage these conflicts when they cannot be avoided.


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ZAROWSKY, Christina

Professeure honoraire

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Zinszer, Kate


Professeure agrégée

My interdisciplinary training allows me to use tools from epidemiology, public health, informatics, and statistics to untangle the causes, forecast future burdens, and evaluate intervention effectiveness of vector-borne diseases. I am also interested in climate change implications for vectorborne diseases. Specifically, my research is focused on malaria, arboviruses (dengue, chikungunya, Zika), and most recently, Lyme disease. 

1. Evaluation of large-scale vector-borne disease interventions

I have been involved with evaluating the effectiveness of large-scale malaria interventions and programs including indoor residual spraying and universal bednet coverage in Uganda. I have recently begun to evaluate a community mobilization approach for arbovirus control in Fortaleza, Brazil with various partners. 

2. Infectious disease forecasting and spatiotemporal modelling

I am interested in applying different forecasting methods and data streams for disease burden estimations, and most recently exploring machine learning methods. I also use spatiotemporal methods to understand the patterns of disease emergence, identifying at-risk locations and time periods, and disease determinants.

3. Estimating the impact of climate change on vector-borne diseases (VBD)

Climate change will have important implications for future VBD and using different scenarios, we forecast future disease burdens using various methods.  We also consider sociodemographic changes and intervention scenarios in our work.

4. Improving disease surveillance

I am involved with various malaria surveillance projects which aim to integrate fragmented data sources and improve data harmonization. Most recently, we are evaluating the biases in reported arboviral cases in the national surveillance system in Colombia.


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