Experts in: Neoplasms
Professeur associé
- Neoplasms
- Ethnocultural communities
- Biological determinants of health
- Health determinants
- Epidemiology
- Incidence (Epidemiology)
- Infections
- Infectious Diseases
- Clinical medicine
- Preventive medicine
- Organization of primary care services
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Prevention
- Community health
- Population’s health
- Public health
- Americas
- Arctic
DEBIA, Maximilien
Professeur titulaire, Secrétaire de faculté, Vice-doyen
- Asbestos
- Bioaerosols
- Neoplasms
- Carcinogen
- Asthma
- Diesel motor exhaust gas
- Occupational exposure assessment
- Risk assessment
- Exposure science
- Occupational hygiene
- Industrial hygiene
- Industrial disease
- Occupational disease
- Environmental Medicine
- Exposure measurement
- Metrology
- Workplace environment
- Exposure modelling
- Nanoparticles
- Ultrafine particles (UFPs)
- Indoor air quality
- Chemical risk, chemical hazard
- Occupational health
- Environmental Health
- Public health
- Silica
- Organic solvents
- Toxic substance
- Toxic substances substitution
- Surveillance
- Toxicology
- Inhalation toxicology
- Environmental toxicology
- Mixture Toxicity
- Industrial toxicology
GRAVEL, Sabrina
Professeure associée
- Hormone disrupting chemical
- Carcinogen
- Metals
- Flame retardants
- Climatic changes
- Occupational risk assessment
- Meta-Analysis
- Databases
- Epidemiology
- Toxicological risk analysis
- Physical contaminants
- Biomarkers
- Mixture Toxicity
- Noise
- Neoplasms
- Biological determinants of health
- Social Determinants of Health
- Industrial disease
- Occupational disease
- Toxicodynamic
- Human toxicology
- Industrial toxicology
- Organic compounds
- Research ethics
- Risk management
- Exposure modelling
- Pesticides
- Respiratory protection
HO, Ying Tung Vikki
Professeure agrégée
Professeure associée
Professeure agrégée de clinique
LAPRISE, Claudie
Professeure adjointe
LAVOUÉ, Jérôme
Professeur titulaire
- Skin/Cutaneous absorption
- Multilevel analysis
- Multivariate analysis
- Databases
- Biostatistics
- Neoplasms
- Biological contaminants
- Chemical contaminants
- Physical contaminants
- Environmental epidemiology
- Occupational exposure assessment
- Risk assessment
- Exposure science
- Exposure
- Environmental hygiene
- Environmental health
- Occupational hygiene
- Industrial hygiene
- Occupational disease
- Exposure measurement
- Measurement methods for air pollutants
- Quantitative methods
- Metrology
- Workplace environment
- Statistical models
- Exposure modelling
- Mathematical modelling
- Prevention
- Respiratory protection
- Chemical risk, chemical hazard
- Environmental Health
- Organic solvents
- Solvent substitution
- Toxic substances substitution
- Industrial toxicology
PARENT, Marie-Élise
Professeure associée
ROUSSEAU, Marie-Claude
Professeure associée
- Epidemiology
- Environmental epidemiology
- Population’s health
- Health determinants
- Biological determinants of health
- Databases
- Longitudinal studies
- Health services utilization
- Health Services
- Quantitative methods
- Neoplasms
- Vaccination
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Medical Care
- Environment
- Risk assessment
- Exposure
- Incidence (Epidemiology)
- Workplace environment
- Perinatal Period
- Virus
- Canada (Québec)
- 20th century
- 21th century
Professeur associé, Professeur honoraire
- Asbestos
- Occupational risk assessment
- Multivariate analysis
- Neoplasms
- Carcinogen
- Health determinants
- Surveys
- Environment
- Epidemiology
- Environmental epidemiology
- Social epidemiology
- Occupational exposure assessment
- Population’s health
- Environmental Health
- Smoking
- Population health intervention assessment
Professeure titulaire
- Neoplasms
- Stem cells
- Epidemiology
- Evaluation studies
- Longitudinal studies
- Woman
- Incidence (Epidemiology)
- Infections
- Infectious Diseases
- Quantitative methods
- Perinatal Period
- Community health
- Women’s/Maternal health/Maternity
- Population’s health
- Reproductive health
- Patient safety
- Vaccination
- Virus
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
- Infection prevention and control