Experts in: Genomics
DUBÉ, Marie-Pierre
Professeure titulaire, Professeure accréditée
- Genetics
- Genomics
- Optimal drug use
- Cardiovascular Diseases
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Sex and gender
Genetic epidemiology studies of cardiovascular disease and pharmacogenomics, including specific studies on statins and anticoagulants. We also conduct statistical genetic studies on gene-environment interactions and population stratification.
DUPRAS, Charles
Professeur adjoint, Responsable de programme
- Bioethics
- Empirical bioethics
- Research ethics
- Medical ethics
- Clinical ethics
- Health technology assessment
- Professional ethics
- Medical decision making
- Professional ethics
- Environment
- Ecological approach
- Social Determinants of Health
- Biological determinants of health
- Ethnomedicine/Medical anthropology
- One Health
- Health care accessibility
- Genetics
- Genomics
- Public policies
- Méthodes de recherche
- Mixed methods
- Interprofessional collaboration
- Professional identity
- Conflicts of interest
- Databases
MARCHAND, Geneviève
Professeure associée
- Asthma
- Bacteria
- Bioaerosols
- Bioinformatics
- Molecular biology
- Pathogenic fungi
- Interprofessional collaboration
- Biological contaminants
- Bacterial growth
- Environment
- Occupational exposure assessment
- Bacterial genetics
- Genomics
- Quality management
- Occupational hygiene
- Industrial hygiene
- Infections
- Interdisciplinarity
- Intersectorial trends
- Infectious Diseases
- Occupational disease
- Exposure measurement
- Measurement methods for air pollutants
- Metrology
- Microorganisms
- Microbiology
- Environmental Microbiology
- Indoor air quality