Experts in: Americas
BATAL, Malek
Professeur titulaire
- Nutrition
- Native Health
- Feeding Behavior
- Health Prevention
- Canada
- Canada (Québec)
- Haiti
- Americas
- Middle East
- Global Health and Emerging Diseases
- Food safety
- Diet
- Social aspect of diet
- Food hygiene
- Food hygiene
- Social inequality
- Immigrants
- Population’s health
- Public health
- Community Health / Public Health
Professeure accréditée, Professeure agrégée de clinique
- Infectious Diseases
- Americas
- Virus
- Prematurity
- Epidemiology
- Clinical medicine
- Infections
- Women’s/Maternal health/Maternity
- Gestation / Parturition
Professeur associé
- Neoplasms
- Ethnocultural communities
- Biological determinants of health
- Health determinants
- Epidemiology
- Incidence (Epidemiology)
- Infections
- Infectious Diseases
- Clinical medicine
- Preventive medicine
- Organization of primary care services
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Prevention
- Community health
- Population’s health
- Public health
- Americas
- Arctic
CLOOS, Patrick
Professeur agrégé
- Action intersectorielle
- Social medicine
- Global health
- Immigration
- Inégalités sociales de santé
- Racisme et racialisation
- Socioanthropologie de la santé
- Climatic changes
- Caribbean
- Americas
Directeur, Chargé de cours
- Business Administration
- Health services administration
- Public Administration
- Organisational learning
- Strategic analysis
- Well-being
- Organizational change
- Cooperation
- Cultural diversity
- Empowerment
- Health care/Healthcare services management
- Change management (Healthcare)
- Healthcare leadership
- Knowledge transfer/exchange (KTE)
- Organizational theory
- Cultural theories
- Information systems
- Psychological tests
- Human relationships
- Personality
- Developing countries
- Health care/Healtcare services organization
- New organisational forms
- Africa
- Asia
- Americas
GANACHE, Isabelle
Professeure agrégée de clinique
GODARD, Béatrice
Vice-doyenne aux études
- Public health
- Population’s health
- Global health
- Bioethics
- Health care accessibility
- Vulnerability
- Empowerment
- Decision making
- Poverty
- Developing countries
- Citizen participation
- Research ethics
- Qualitative methods
- Africa
- Asia
- Americas
- Empirical bioethics
Béatrice Godard has been interested in the socio-ethical issues of research and interventions in population health for several years. She has worked with researchers and health professionals on developing skills in ethics to help them pursue their research interests or their interventions in the health field. She has also worked with vulnerable individuals and groups (people with brain disorders, underprivileged populations, emerging populations) on the development of decision-making capabilities. More specifically, her research aims to examine (1) their concerns and needs in relation to the vulnerability situation in which they find themselves; and (2) the ethical processes to put in place to contribute to their empowerment. Her research work is centered on an empirical perspective and, to that end, she employs a wide range of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.