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/ École de santé publique

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Benjamin Brisbois


Professeur adjoint

École de santé publique - Département de médecine sociale et préventive

Education Programs

  • Health Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development Administration and Management Sciences
  • Health Sciences
  • Health Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Environment and Sustainable Development Health Sciences
  • Health Sciences
  • Health Sciences
  • Health Sciences
  • Administration and Management Sciences Health Sciences


  • MSO6501 Pratiques de santé mondiale
  • SPU6001 Politiques publiques en santé


Responsabilities and outreach Expand all Collapse all

Titres : corporations et organismes professionnels

Publications Expand all Collapse all

  • Brisbois, B., Benedikt, D., Dang-Nguyen, M., Mudakenga, S.M., Cortinois, A.A., Maddox, R., Mychajluk, L., Poland, B. & Wind, K. (2024) Transformative learning at the community- university-land interface: A political ecology of knowledge, education and health. Journal of Political Ecology. 31: 257-277.
  • Brisbois, B., Plamondon, K., Walugembe, D., Curty Pereira, R., Edet, C., Dixon, J., Habibi, R., Karamouzian, M., Labonté, R., Murthy, S. & Ravitsky, V. (2024) Pandemics, intellectual property and ‘our economy’: A worldview analysis of Canada’s role in compromising global access to COVID-19 vaccines. Global Public Health. 19(1): 2335360.
  • Brisbois, B. & Plamondon, K. (2024) Learning from the lobster and making space for transformation in planetary health. The Lancet Planetary Health. 8(2): e72–e73.
  • Plamondon, K., Dixon, J., Bisung, E., Brisbois, B., Curty-Pereira, R., Graham, I., Elliott, S., Nixon, S., Ndube-Eyoh, S., & Shahram, S. (2023) Turning the tide on equity: The Systematic Equity Analysis (SEA) Framework. BMC Public Health. 23: 890.
  • Brisbois, B. (2022) Easier to imagine. Invited commentary in Healthpunk Vol 2: Fiction + Healthcare + You. Open Physio Journal.
  • Finn Mahabir, D., Shankardass, K., Freiler, A., O’Campo, P., Brisbois, B. & Muntaner, C. (2022) How and why buy-in for Health in All Policies was facilitated in Ecuador: a realist case study of Plan Nacional para el Buen Vivir. International Journal for Equity in Health. 21(108)
  • Brisbois, B., Feagan, M., Stime, B., Kukoc Paz, I., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Gaibor, J., Cole, D. C., Janes, C. R., Di Ruggiero, E., Hanson, L., Plamondon, K. M., Spiegel, J. M., & Yassi, A. (2021). Mining, colonial legacies and neoliberalism: A political ecology of health knowledge. New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental & Occupational Health Policy. 31(1): 48-64.
  • Brisbois, B., Hoogeveen, D., Harder, H., Parkes, M., Cole, D., Fyfe, T. & Allison, S. (2021) Storylines of resource extraction and health in Canada: A modified metanarrative synthesis. Social Science & Medicine 277: 113899.
  • Brisbois, B., Spiegel, J. & Harris, L. (2019) Health, environment and colonial legacies: Situating the science of pesticides, bananas and bodies in Ecuador. Social Science & Medicine 239: 112529.
  • Brisbois, B., Reschny, J., Fyfe, T., Harder, H., Parkes, M., Allison, S., Buse, C., Fumerton, R. & Oke, B. (2019) Mapping research on resource extraction and health: A scoping review. The Extractive Industries and Society 6: 250-259.
  • Parkes, M.W., Allison, S., Harder, H.G., Hoogeveen, D., Kutzner, D., Aalhus, M., Adams, E., Beck, L., Brisbois, B., Buse, C., Chiasson, A., Cole, D.C., Dolan, S., Fauré, A., Fumerton, R., Gislason, M.K., Hadley, L., Hallström, L.K., Horwitz, P., Marks, R.P., McKellar, K., Moeweka Barnes, H., Oke, B., Pillsworth, L., Reschny, J., Sanderson, D., Skinner, S., Stelkia, K., Stephen, C., Surette, C., Takaro, T.K. & Vaillancourt, C. (2019) Addressing the environmental, community and health impacts of resource development: Challenges across scales, sectors and sites. Challenges 10(22). doi:10.3390/challe10010022
  • Brisbois, B. & Plamondon, K. (2018) The possible worlds of global health research: An ethics- focused discourse analysis. Social Science & Medicine 196: 142-149. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.11.034
  • Buse, C., Ostreicher, J., Ellis, N., Patrick, R., Brisbois, B., Jenkins, A., McKellar, K., Kingsley, J., Gislason, M., Galway, L., McFarlane, R., Walker, J., Frumkin, H. & Parkes, M. (2018) A public health guide to field developments linking ecosystems, environments and health in the Anthropocene. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 10.1136/jech-2017-210082
  • Katz, A.S., O’Campo, P., Brisbois, B., Zerger, S. & Hwang, S.W. (2018) Katz et al. respond [re Iovan and Lantz, SOCIAL IMPACT BONDS: A PROMISING PUBLIC–PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP MODEL FOR PUBLIC HEALTH] American Journal of Public Health 108(8): e6-e7.
  • Katz, A., Brisbois, B., Zerger, S. & Hwang, S. (2018) Social Impact Bonds as a funding method for health and social programs: Potential areas of concern. American Journal of Public Health 108(2): 210-215. 10.2105/AJPH.2017.304157
  • Brisbois, B., Harris, L. & Spiegel, J. (2018) Political ecologies of global health: Pesticide exposure in southwestern Ecuador’s banana industry. Antipode 50(1): 61-81. doi:10.1111/anti.12340 
  • Oestreicher, J. S., Buse, C., Brisbois, B., Patrick, R., Jenkins, A., Kingsley, J., Ellis, N., Távora, R. & Fatorelli, L. (2018) Where ecosystems, people and health meet: Academic traditions and emerging fields for research and practice.Sustenabilidade em Debate 9(1): 45-65. doi:10.18472/SustDeb.v9n1.2018.28258
  • Brisbois, B., Burgos Delgado, A., Barraza, D., Betancourt, O., Cole, D., Gislason, M., Mertens, F., Parkes, M. & St-Charles, J. (2017) Ecosystem approaches to health and knowledge-to- action: Towards a political ecology of applied health-environment knowledge. Journal of Political Ecology 24: 692-715.
  • Brisbois, B. & Polo Almeida, P. (2017) Attending to researcher positionality in geographic fieldwork on health in Latin America: Lessons from la costa ecuatoriana. Journal of Latin American Geography 16(1): 194-201.
  • Brisbois, B., Cole, D., Davison, C., Di Ruggiero, E., Hanson, L., Janes, C., Larson, C., Nixon, S., Plamondon, K., & Stime, B. (2016) Corporate sponsorship of global health research: Questions to promote critical thinking about potential funding relationships. Canadian Journal of Public Health 107(4-5): e390-e392.
  • Brisbois, B. (2016) Bananas, pesticides and health in southwestern Ecuador: A scalar narrative approach to targeting public health responses. Social Science & Medicine 150, 184-191. 
  • Weiler, A., Hergesheimer, C., Brisbois, B., Wittman, H., Yassi, A. & Spiegel, J. (2015) Food sovereignty, food security and health equity: A meta-narrative mapping exercise. Health Policy and Planning 30(8), 1078–1092. DOI:10.1093/heapol/czu109
  • Brisbois, B. (2014) Epidemiology and ‘developing countries’: Writing pesticides, poverty and political engagement in Latin America. Social Studies of Science 44(4), 600-624. DOI:10.1177/0306312714523514.
  • Brisbois, B. (2011) Pesticides, people and power in Ecuador's banana industry: Participatory epidemiology and political ecology approaches to occupational health and safety. Antipode 43(1), 176-179.
  • Brisbois, B., & Ali, S. H. (2010) Climate change, vector-borne disease and interdisciplinary research: Social science perspectives on an environment and health controversy. EcoHealth 7, 425–438.

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