Benjamin Brisbois
- Professeur adjoint
École de santé publique - Département de médecine sociale et préventive
Web : ResearchGate
Programmes d’enseignement
- Maîtrise en santé publique – Sciences de l'administration et gestion Sciences de la santé Environnement et développement durable
- Microprogramme de 2e cycle en santé publique pour cadres et professionnels en exercice – Sciences de la santé
- Maîtrise en santé environnementale et santé au travail – Sciences de la santé Environnement et développement durable
- DESS en santé environnementale mondiale – Environnement et développement durable Sciences de la santé
- Microprogramme de 2e cycle en santé mondiale – Sciences de la santé
- Certificat de résidence de 2e cycle en optométrie – Sciences de la santé
- Maîtrise en ergothérapie – Sciences de la santé
- Maîtrise en administration des services de santé – Sciences de l'administration et gestion Sciences de la santé
Cours donnés
- MSO6501 Pratiques de santé mondiale
- SPU6001 Politiques publiques en santé
- Santé mondiale
- Santé environnementale
- Santé au travail
- Une Santé
- Recherche participative
- Méthodologies mixtes
- Méthodes qualitatives
- Déterminants sociaux de la santé
- Environnement
- Inégalités sociales
- Politiques publiques
- Équateur
- Amérique latine
- Canada
- Pesticides
- Changements climatiques
Je suis chercheur et éducateur formé en santé publique et en études environnementales. Mes recherches portent sur la compréhension et la réduction des inégalités en matière de santé provenant des structures sociales et environnementales mondiales, en partenariat avec les communautés touchées. Les domaines d'intérêt à ce jour comprennent les impacts de l'agro-industrie bananière sur la santé au travail et l'environnement et les impacts sur la santé de l'extraction des ressources. J'étudie également la production sociale des connaissances en santé publique et les influences des entreprises sur la santé et la recherche en santé. J'utilise des méthodes mixtes comprenant l'ethnographie, l'analyse du discours, les synthèses de connaissances et les approches participatives.
Responsabilités et rayonnement Tout déplier Tout replier
Communauté de pratique en approches écosystémiques de la santé - Canada
Mouvement populaire pour la santé
Publications Tout déplier Tout replier
- Brisbois, B., Benedikt, D., Dang-Nguyen, M., Mudakenga, S.M., Cortinois, A.A., Maddox, R., Mychajluk, L., Poland, B. & Wind, K. (2024) Transformative learning at the community- university-land interface: A political ecology of knowledge, education and health. Journal of Political Ecology. 31: 257-277.
- Brisbois, B., Plamondon, K., Walugembe, D., Curty Pereira, R., Edet, C., Dixon, J., Habibi, R., Karamouzian, M., Labonté, R., Murthy, S. & Ravitsky, V. (2024) Pandemics, intellectual property and ‘our economy’: A worldview analysis of Canada’s role in compromising global access to COVID-19 vaccines. Global Public Health. 19(1): 2335360.
- Brisbois, B. & Plamondon, K. (2024) Learning from the lobster and making space for transformation in planetary health. The Lancet Planetary Health. 8(2): e72–e73.
- Plamondon, K., Dixon, J., Bisung, E., Brisbois, B., Curty-Pereira, R., Graham, I., Elliott, S., Nixon, S., Ndube-Eyoh, S., & Shahram, S. (2023) Turning the tide on equity: The Systematic Equity Analysis (SEA) Framework. BMC Public Health. 23: 890.
- Brisbois, B. (2022) Easier to imagine. Invited commentary in Healthpunk Vol 2: Fiction + Healthcare + You. Open Physio Journal.
- Finn Mahabir, D., Shankardass, K., Freiler, A., O’Campo, P., Brisbois, B. & Muntaner, C. (2022) How and why buy-in for Health in All Policies was facilitated in Ecuador: a realist case study of Plan Nacional para el Buen Vivir. International Journal for Equity in Health. 21(108)
- Brisbois, B., Feagan, M., Stime, B., Kukoc Paz, I., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Gaibor, J., Cole, D. C., Janes, C. R., Di Ruggiero, E., Hanson, L., Plamondon, K. M., Spiegel, J. M., & Yassi, A. (2021). Mining, colonial legacies and neoliberalism: A political ecology of health knowledge. New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental & Occupational Health Policy. 31(1): 48-64.
- Brisbois, B., Hoogeveen, D., Harder, H., Parkes, M., Cole, D., Fyfe, T. & Allison, S. (2021) Storylines of resource extraction and health in Canada: A modified metanarrative synthesis. Social Science & Medicine 277: 113899.
- Brisbois, B., Spiegel, J. & Harris, L. (2019) Health, environment and colonial legacies: Situating the science of pesticides, bananas and bodies in Ecuador. Social Science & Medicine 239: 112529.
- Brisbois, B., Reschny, J., Fyfe, T., Harder, H., Parkes, M., Allison, S., Buse, C., Fumerton, R. & Oke, B. (2019) Mapping research on resource extraction and health: A scoping review. The Extractive Industries and Society 6: 250-259.
- Parkes, M.W., Allison, S., Harder, H.G., Hoogeveen, D., Kutzner, D., Aalhus, M., Adams, E., Beck, L., Brisbois, B., Buse, C., Chiasson, A., Cole, D.C., Dolan, S., Fauré, A., Fumerton, R., Gislason, M.K., Hadley, L., Hallström, L.K., Horwitz, P., Marks, R.P., McKellar, K., Moeweka Barnes, H., Oke, B., Pillsworth, L., Reschny, J., Sanderson, D., Skinner, S., Stelkia, K., Stephen, C., Surette, C., Takaro, T.K. & Vaillancourt, C. (2019) Addressing the environmental, community and health impacts of resource development: Challenges across scales, sectors and sites. Challenges 10(22). doi:10.3390/challe10010022
- Brisbois, B. & Plamondon, K. (2018) The possible worlds of global health research: An ethics- focused discourse analysis. Social Science & Medicine 196: 142-149. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.11.034
- Buse, C., Ostreicher, J., Ellis, N., Patrick, R., Brisbois, B., Jenkins, A., McKellar, K., Kingsley, J., Gislason, M., Galway, L., McFarlane, R., Walker, J., Frumkin, H. & Parkes, M. (2018) A public health guide to field developments linking ecosystems, environments and health in the Anthropocene. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 10.1136/jech-2017-210082
- Katz, A.S., O’Campo, P., Brisbois, B., Zerger, S. & Hwang, S.W. (2018) Katz et al. respond [re Iovan and Lantz, SOCIAL IMPACT BONDS: A PROMISING PUBLIC–PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP MODEL FOR PUBLIC HEALTH] American Journal of Public Health 108(8): e6-e7.
- Katz, A., Brisbois, B., Zerger, S. & Hwang, S. (2018) Social Impact Bonds as a funding method for health and social programs: Potential areas of concern. American Journal of Public Health 108(2): 210-215. 10.2105/AJPH.2017.304157
- Brisbois, B., Harris, L. & Spiegel, J. (2018) Political ecologies of global health: Pesticide exposure in southwestern Ecuador’s banana industry. Antipode 50(1): 61-81. doi:10.1111/anti.12340
- Oestreicher, J. S., Buse, C., Brisbois, B., Patrick, R., Jenkins, A., Kingsley, J., Ellis, N., Távora, R. & Fatorelli, L. (2018) Where ecosystems, people and health meet: Academic traditions and emerging fields for research and practice.Sustenabilidade em Debate 9(1): 45-65. doi:10.18472/SustDeb.v9n1.2018.28258
- Brisbois, B., Burgos Delgado, A., Barraza, D., Betancourt, O., Cole, D., Gislason, M., Mertens, F., Parkes, M. & St-Charles, J. (2017) Ecosystem approaches to health and knowledge-to- action: Towards a political ecology of applied health-environment knowledge. Journal of Political Ecology 24: 692-715.
- Brisbois, B. & Polo Almeida, P. (2017) Attending to researcher positionality in geographic fieldwork on health in Latin America: Lessons from la costa ecuatoriana. Journal of Latin American Geography 16(1): 194-201.
- Brisbois, B., Cole, D., Davison, C., Di Ruggiero, E., Hanson, L., Janes, C., Larson, C., Nixon, S., Plamondon, K., & Stime, B. (2016) Corporate sponsorship of global health research: Questions to promote critical thinking about potential funding relationships. Canadian Journal of Public Health 107(4-5): e390-e392.
- Brisbois, B. (2016) Bananas, pesticides and health in southwestern Ecuador: A scalar narrative approach to targeting public health responses. Social Science & Medicine 150, 184-191.
- Weiler, A., Hergesheimer, C., Brisbois, B., Wittman, H., Yassi, A. & Spiegel, J. (2015) Food sovereignty, food security and health equity: A meta-narrative mapping exercise. Health Policy and Planning 30(8), 1078–1092. DOI:10.1093/heapol/czu109
- Brisbois, B. (2014) Epidemiology and ‘developing countries’: Writing pesticides, poverty and political engagement in Latin America. Social Studies of Science 44(4), 600-624. DOI:10.1177/0306312714523514.
- Brisbois, B. (2011) Pesticides, people and power in Ecuador's banana industry: Participatory epidemiology and political ecology approaches to occupational health and safety. Antipode 43(1), 176-179.
- Brisbois, B., & Ali, S. H. (2010) Climate change, vector-borne disease and interdisciplinary research: Social science perspectives on an environment and health controversy. EcoHealth 7, 425–438.
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