Soutenance de thèse de Julia Rachel Sampaio Elesbao
Poverty is a well-established risk factor for behavior problems among children and adolescents.Yet, research is needed to clarify whether the association varies over the course of development, as well as the mechanisms through which such associations may occur.
This project had three research objectives: (1) To investigate the potential for family mediators in the association between chronic poverty and behavior problems during early childhood; (2) To investigate the patterns of change in association between poverty and behavior problems over the course of childhood; and (3) To examine the timing and duration of childhood poverty in the prediction of behavior problems in early adolescence.
The data originated from the 1998–2011 waves of the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (N=2120). Poverty refers to low-income lines defined by Statistics Canada. Outcomes were hyperactivity, opposition and physical aggression reported by mothers and teachers. Multiple regression analysis and linear mixed-effects models were applied to estimate the longitudinal associations between poverty and behavior problems.
The main contribution of this thesis resides in informing the time and targets for prevention programs aimed at reducing the detrimental impact of poverty on behavior problems, and providing policy recommendations to further reduce child poverty.
Option : Épidémiologie
Le jeudi 24 août
À 13h au local 3019 au Pavillon 7101 avenue du Parc
Membres du jury :
Marie-Pierre Sylvestre, Présidente-rapporteur
Sylvana Côté, Directrice de recherche
Maria-Victoria Zunzunegui, Codirectrice
Jean Lambert, Codirecteur
Geetanjali Datta, Membre du jury
Simon Larose, Examinateur externe, Université Laval
Roxane de la Sablonnière, Représentante du doyen