David Buetti
david.buetti@umontreal.ca (Travail)
Travail 1 : 514 343-6111 #5631
David Buetti, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Health Management, Evaluation, and Policy (DGEPS) at the School of Public Health, University of Montreal (ESPUM). He leads AnÉis and AnÉSOSS, two graduate programs that focus on analyzing and evaluating health services, organizations, and systems. His expertise lies in program and health policy evaluation, particularly in innovating evaluative approaches and methods and in strengthening evaluation capacities within organizations. Dr. Buetti has considerable experience in these areas, having participated in over a dozen evaluation and applied research projects in collaboration with municipal, provincial, federal, and community stakeholders.
Dr. Buetti has also played a key role in enhancing the monitoring and evaluation skills and structures of more than twenty health organizations, enabling him to build a strong and extensive network of collaborators. Through his diverse professional experiences and multidisciplinary training, which includes a PhD in Population Health and a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Ottawa, he has developed an in-depth understanding of evaluative challenges in various contexts. His work has resulted in numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals, a special issue, and an open-access pedagogical textbook on evaluation in French, contributing to advancing health policy and program evaluation.
Research recruitment
I am currently open to supervising motivated students whose research interests align with my areas of expertise. If you are interested in working with me, please submit the following documents:
- 1. Letter of Interest (max. 1/2 page): Describe your research interests, relevant experiences, and how your research topic fits into my areas of expertise.
- 2. Up-to-date CV.
- 3. Most recent unofficial transcripts.
- 4. Writing Sample: Article, essay, report, etc.
Please send your documents to david.buetti@umontreal.ca.
Education Programs
- Administration and Management Sciences Health Sciences
- SPU7504 Séminaire de pratique avancée
- Program evaluation
- Evaluative research
- Health services evaluation
- Organisational learning
- Local development
- Méthodes de recherche
- Social services and social work
My research program focuses on three main areas to address evaluation challenges in the field of health:
1. Documenting Evaluation Innovation:
This area focuses on addressing the lack of empirical data on the effectiveness of emerging evaluation methods, such as realistic evaluation or arts-based evaluation. It aims to provide practical recommendations for the application of these methods to assist analysts and managers in choosing the most suitable approaches for their specific needs.
2. Understanding Sector-Specific Evaluation Capacities:
In this area, we explore evaluation capacities within specific sectors, such as aging or LGBTQ+ health, taking into account interactions between organizations. The goal is to develop a comprehensive understanding of these capacities to better address the unique evaluation needs of each sector.
3. Strengthening Evaluation Structures and Policies:
Building on the insights from the second area, this part investigates strategies to enhance the adoption and sustainability of evaluation practices within health organizations. It also explores the potential of artificial intelligence as a facilitative tool while carefully considering its ethical boundaries and implications.
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Élaboration du protocole de recherche dans le cadre de la phase 1 du projet d'évaluation de la Mesure économique ciblée en soutien à l'achat de fruits et légumes Projet de recherche au Canada / 2024 - 2025
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