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/ École de santé publique

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Claude Sicotte


Professeur associé

École de santé publique - Département de gestion, d’évaluation et de politique de santé

Professeur honoraire

École de santé publique - Département de gestion, d’évaluation et de politique de santé

Études postdoctorales
1990 , Administration de la santé , Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, Harvard University (États-Unis)

Doctorat en santé publique (Organisation des soins)
1989 , Administration de la santé , Université de Montréal (Canada)

Maîtrise en administration de la santé
1976 , Administration de la santé , Université de Montréal (Canada)

Baccalauréat en Administration des affaires
1974 , Management , École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), Montréal (Canada)



Responsabilities and outreach Expand all Collapse all

Titres : corporations et organismes professionnels

Student supervision Expand all Collapse all

Health capabilities, public policies and the determinants of infant mortality in Brazil Thèses et mémoires dirigés / 2021 - 2021
Graduate : Bugelli, Alexandre
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Évaluation de la performance des structures des soins de santé primaires du district sanitaire de Labé (Guinée) Thèses et mémoires dirigés / 2011 - 2011
Graduate : Barry, Alpha M.
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
L'agrément des services de santé de première ligne : une stratégie de contrôle culturel Thèses et mémoires dirigés / 2006 - 2006
Graduate : Paccioni, André
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Analyse quantitative de l'impact de l'introduction d'un modèle de pratique infirmière avancée dans une unité tertiaire de soins intensifs de néonatalogie Thèses et mémoires dirigés / 1999 - 1999
Graduate : Desrochers, Johanne
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Structuration de la collaboration interprofessionnelle dans les services de santé de première ligne au Québec Thèses et mémoires dirigés / 1998 - 1998
Graduate : D'Amour, Danielle
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Le système d'information sanitaire national haïtien : analyse de l'architecture conceptuelle Thèses et mémoires dirigés / 1998 - 1998
Graduate : Felix, Junot
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
La motivation des agents de santé communautaires bénévoles au travail Thèses et mémoires dirigés / 1992 - 1992
Graduate : Soude, Théodore Kossi
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Analyse de la structure concurrentielle et des stratégies compétitives des pavillons, ressources d'hébergement privées Thèses et mémoires dirigés / 1992 - 1992
Graduate : Castonguay, Martine
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.

Publications Expand all Collapse all


Bugelli A, Borgès Da Silva R, Dowbor L, Sicotte C. The Determinants of Infant Mortality in Brazil, 2010-2020: a scoping review. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health. 2021, 18, 6464.

Bugelli A, Borgès Da Silva R, Dowbor L, Sicotte C. Health Capabilities and the Determinants of Infant Mortality in Brazil, 2004-2015: an innovative methodological framework. BMC Public Health. 21:831 (2021).        


Minvielle É, Sicotte C. The Quest of Rationality: Standardization in the Delivery of Care. Journal of Organizational Psychology. 20, 6:100-113, 2020.

Marrauld L, Bourez S, Sicotte C. Changement organisationnel innovant et institution publique. La Revue des Sciences de Gestion. 305, 5, 2020.

Le Helley A, Pla H, Eloi C, Balençon M, Sicotte C. Health pathways for children at risk in the Ille et Vilaine administrative division: A French perspective. Children and Youth Services Review. Vol 112, 2020.

Ferrua M, Minvielle É, Fourcade A, Lalloué B, Sicotte C, Di Palma M. How to design a Remote Patient Monitoring System? A French case study. BMC Health Services Research. 20:434, 2020.


Nadar M, Fortin AJ, Malas K, Dimova M, Sicotte C. Home-based pediatric telepractice in speech-language pathology: Evaluation of a pilot study. International Journal of Information Research and Review. Vol 6, No 9, 6480-6488, 2019.

Motulsky A, Liang M, Moreault MP, Borycki E, Kushniruk A, Sicotte C. Evaluation of a Nationwide e-Prescribing System. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 264:714-718, 2019.

Soto M, Sicotte C, Motulsky A. Using Health Information Exchange: Usability and usefulness evaluation. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 264: 1036-1040, 2019.

Motulsky A, Sicotte C, Moreault MP, Shuster T, Girard N, Buckeridge D, Gagnon MP, Tamblyn R. Using Health Information Exchange: Usage and perceived usefulness in Primary care. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 264: 709-713, 2019.

Nadar M, Jouvet P, Tucci M, Toledano B, Cyr M, Sicotte C. The Implementation of a Synchronous Telemedicine Platform Linking Off-Site Pediatric Intensivists and On-Site Fellows in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Feasibility Study. International Journal of Medical Informatics. Vol 129, 219 - 225, 2019.

Mac-Seing M, Le Nogue D, Bagayoko CO, Amy SY, Dumas JL, Dunbar W, Sicotte C, Nordlinger B, De Gaudemar JP, Maouche R, Flahault A. Make visible the invisible: Innovative strategies for the future of global health. BMJ Global Health. Vol 4, e001693, 2019.  doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001693

Nadar M, Jouvet P, Tucci M, Toledano B, Sicotte C. Impact of Synchronous Telemedicine Models on Clinical Outcomes in Pediatric Acute Care Settings: A Systematic Review. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. Vol 19, No 12, e662 - e671, 2019.

Gagnon MP, Ndiaye MA, Larouche A, Chabot G, Chabot C, Buyl R, Fortin JP, Giguère A, Leblanc A, Légaré F, Motulsky A, Sicotte C, O Witteman H, Kavanagh E, Lépinay F, Roberge J, Délétroz C, Abbasgholizadeh-Rahimi S. Optimizing patient advice role with a user-centred eHealth platform (Concerto +) in chronic diseases management: a study protocol for a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open. 9:e028554. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028554, 2019.


Minvielle É, Sicotte C. La quête de rationalité : Le cas de la standardisation de la prise en charge des malades. Revue Internationale de Psychologie et de gestion des Comportements Organisationnels. Vol 24, No 58, 69-90, 2018. 

Motulsky A, Weir DL, Couture I, Sicotte C, Gagnon MP, Buckeridge DL, Tamblyn R. Usage and accuracy of medication data from nationwide health information exchange in Quebec, Canada. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. Vol 1, No 8, 2018.

Maillet É, Sicotte C, Mathieu L. The actual use of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) by acute care nurses: Examining a multidimensional measure at different adoption stages. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 250:241-242, 2018.


Sicotte C, Clavel S, Fortin MA. A cancer care electronic medical record highly integrated into clinicians' workflow: Users' attitudes pre-post implementation. European Journal of Cancer Care. 26, 6, 2017.                                      (

Zidarov D, Poissant L, Sicotte C. Use of comparative performance indicators in rehabilitation. Health Care Management Review. 42, 2:142 – 150, 2017.


Waelli M, Gomez ML, Sicotte C, Zicari A, Bonnefond JY, Lorino P, Minvielle É. Keys to Successful Implementation of a French National Quality Indicator in Health Care Organizations: A Qualitative Study. BMC Health Services Research 16:553, 2016.   (DOI 10.1186/s12913-016-1794-7)

Fache P, Sicotte C, Minvielle É. The search is on for coherent performance measurement in healthcare organizations. Has Quebec reached a crossroads? Healthcare Policy. 11, 4, 60-69, 2016.

Sicotte C, Lapointe J, Clavel S, Fortin MA. Benefits of improving processes in cancer care with a care pathway-based Electronic Medical Record. Practical Radiation Oncology. 6, 26-33, 2016.

Daneault S, Lussier V, Mongeau S, Yelle L, Côté A, Sicotte C, Paillé P, Dion D, Coulombe M. Ultimate journey of the terminally ill: Ways and pathways of hope. Canadian Family Physicians.  62, 648 – 656, 2016.

Zidarov D, Sicotte C, Menon A., Hallé MC, Poissant L. Factors influencing use of a performance measurement system in a rehabilitation hospital. Journal of Hospital Administration. 5, 5, 79 – 90, 2016.

Ferrua M, Sicotte C, Lalloué B, Minvielle É. Comparative quality indicators for hospital choice: Do general practitioners care? PLOS One, February 3, 2016. (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0147296)


Béjean M, Kletz F, Moisdon JC, Sicotte C. Informatisation incrémentale ou de rupture? Le cas du dossier patient hospitalier. Journal de Gestion et d’Économie Médicales. 33, 445 – 467, 2015.

Gagnon MP, Payne-Gagnon J, Sicotte C, Langué-Dubé JA, Motulsky A. Connecting primary care clinics and community pharmacies: The adoption of a nationwide second-generation electronic prescribing system. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics. 22, 3, 359-367, 2015.

Motulsky A, Sicotte C, Gagnon MP, Payne-Gagnon J, Langué-Dube JA, Rochefort CM, Tamblyn R. Challenges to the implementation of a nationwide electronic prescribing network in primary care: a qualitative study of users’ perceptions. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.  22, 4, 838-848, 2015.                        (doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocv026)

Girault A, Ferrua M, Sicotte C, Fourcade A, Lalloué B, Yatim F, Hebert G, Di Palma M, Minvielle E. Internet-Based Technologies to improve Cancer care coordination: Current use and attitudes among cancer patients. European Journal of Cancer. 51, 4, 551-7, 2015.

Maillet É, Mathieu L, Sicotte C. Modeling factors explaining the acceptance, actual use and satisfaction of nurses using an Electronic Patient Record in acute care settings: an extension of the UTAUT. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 84, 1, 36-47, 2015.


Minvielle É, Waelli M, Sicotte C, Kimberly JR. Managing customization in health  care: A framework derived from the services sector literature. Health Policy. 117, 2, 216 – 227, 2014.

Fache P, Minvielle É, Sicotte C, Waelli M. Le déploiement d’une politique publique d’évaluation de la qualité par les indicateurs hospitaliers: genèse et développements du cas français. Quaderni, Communication, technologies, pouvoir. 85, 9-27, 2014.

Gagnon MP, Nsangou ÉR, Payne-Gagnon J, Grenier S, Sicotte C. Barriers and facilitators to implementing electronic prescriptions: A systematic review of user groups’ perceptions. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 21, 1, 535-41, 2014.

Zidarov D, Poissant L, Sicotte C. Healthcare executives’ readiness for a performance measurement system: a rehabilitation hospital case study. Journal of Hospital Administration. 3, 4, 157 – 172, 2014.         

Mauro M, Cardamone E, Cavallaro G, Minvielle É, Rania F, Sicotte C, Trotta A. Teaching hospital performance: Towards a community of shared values? Social Science & Medicine. 101, 107-112, 2014.


Sicotte C, Taylor L, Tamblyn R. Predicting electronic prescribing utilization of early adopter physicians. Canadian Family Physicians. 59, 7, e312 – e321, 2013.

Motulsky A, Lamothe L. Sicotte C. Impacts of electronic prescriptions on the medication management process in primary care: A systematic review. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 82, 6, 473-491, 2013.

Lapointe J, Minvielle E, Sicotte C. Usages des technologies de l’information et de communication pour la coordination des soins en cancérologie : État des connaissances. Quelles recommandations pour une implantation efficace? Journal de Gestion et d’Économie Médicales. 31, 5, 273 – 302, 2013.

Paré G, Poba-Nzaou P, Sicotte C, Beaupré A, Lefrançois É, Nault D, St-Jules D. Comparing the costs of home telemonitoring and usual care of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: a randomized controlled trial. European Research in Telemedicine. 2, 35 – 47, 2013.

Paré G, Poba-Nzaou P, Sicotte C. Home Telemonitoring for Chronic Disease Management: An Economic Assessment. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 29, 2, 155-161, 2013.

Bravi F, Gibertoni D, Marcon A, Sicotte C, Minvielle E, Rucci P, Angelastro A, Carradori T, Fantini MP. Hospital network performance: A survey of hospital stakeholders’ perspectives. Health Policy. 109, 2, 150 – 157, 2013.

Fortin MA, Lapointe J, Clavel S, Sicotte C. Assessing the benefits of implementing an Oncology Electronic Medical Record in a new cancer center. International Journal of radiation oncology biology physics. 87, 2, S489-S489, Supplement S, 2013.

Couralet M, Leleu H, Capuano F, Marcotte L, Nitenberg G, Sicotte C, Minvielle E. Method for developing national quality indicators based on manual data extraction from medical records. BMJ Quality & Safety. 22, 2, 155 – 162, 2013.  (doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2012-001170).


Têtu B, Boulanger J, Houde C, Fortin JP, Gagnon MP, Roch G, Paré G, Trudel MC, Sicotte C. Le réseau de télépathologie de l’Est du Québec. Médecine/Sciences. 28, 11, 993-999, 2012.

McGinn CA, Gagnon MP, Shaw N, Sicotte C, Mathieu L, Leduc Y, Grenier S, Duplantie J, Ben Abdeljelil A, Légaré F. Users’ perspectives of key factors to implementing electronic health records in Canada: a Delphi study. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 12,1:105, 2012.

Trudel MC, Paré G, Tétu B, Sicotte C. The effects of a regional telepathology project: a study protocol. BMC Health Services Research. 12,1:64, 2012.   (doi:10.1186/1472-6963-12-64)

Gomez ML, Waelli M, Zicari A, Bonnefond JY, Lorino P, Sicotte C, Minvielle É. L’usage des indicateurs de performance sur la qualité-sécurité des soins: le cas de l’indicateur de tenue de dossier anesthésique. Journal de gestion et d’économie médicales. 30, 7-8, 455-469, 2012.


Sicotte C, Moqadem K, Vasilevsky M, Desrochers J, St-Gelais M. Use of telemedicine for haemodialysis in very remote areas: the Canadian First Nations. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 17, 146-149, 2011.

Sicotte C, Paré G, Morin S, Potvin J, Moreault MP. Effects of Home Telemonitoring to support improved care for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases. Telemedicine and e-Health. 17, 2, 95-103, 2011.

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