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Nicolas Gilbert


Professeur adjoint de clinique

École de santé publique - Département de médecine sociale et préventive

Courriels (Travail)

Travail 1 : 613 618-1049

B.Sc. biologie
1992 , Physiologie, Toxicologie , Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada)

M.Sc. biologie
1995 , Toxicologie , Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada)

Graduate Diploma
2003 , Épidémiologie et biostatistique , Université McGill (Canada)


  • Child
  • Youths
  • Epidemiology
  • Social inequality
  • Infections
  • Public health
  • Surveillance
  • Vaccination

Responsabilities and outreach Expand all

Activités clinique et professionnelle
Organisation d’événements
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Stages et autres supervisions

Publications Expand all

Gilbert NL, Gyorkos TW, Béliveau C, Rahme E, Muecke C, Soto JC. Seroprevalence of parvovirus B19 infection in daycare educators. Epidemiology and Infection 2005; 133: 299-304.

Gilbert NL, Goldberg MS, Beckerman B, Brook JR, Jerrett M. Assessing the spatial variability of ambient nitrogen dioxide in Montréal, Canada, with a land use regression model. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 2005; 55: 1059-1063.

Gilbert NL, Gauvin D, Guay M, Héroux ME, Dupuis G, Legris M, Chan CC, Dietz RN, Lévesque B. Housing characteristics and indoor concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde in Québec City, Canada. Environmental Research 2006; 102: 1-8.

Kovesi T, Gilbert NL, Stocco C, Fugler D, Dales RE, Guay M, Miller JD. Indoor air quality and the risk of lower respiratory tract infection in young Canadian Inuit children. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2007; 177: 155-160.

Jerrett M, Finkelstein MM, Brook JR, Arain MA, Kanaroglou P, Stieb DM, Gilbert NL, Verma D, Finkelstein N, Chapman KR, Sears MR. A cohort study of traffic-related air pollution and mortality in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Environ Health Perspect 2009; 117(5): 772-777.

Gyorkos TW, Gilbert NL, Larocque R, Casapía M. Trichuris and hookworm infections associated with anaemia during pregnancy. Tropical Medicine and International Health 2011; 16: 531-537.

Gilbert NL, Fell DB, Joseph KS, Liu S, León JA, Sauve R. Temporal trends in sudden infant death syndrome in Canada from 1991 to 2005: contribution of changes in cause of death assignment practices and in maternal and infant characteristics. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2012; 26: 124-130.

Gyorkos TW, Gilbert NL, Larocque R, Casapía M, Montresor A. Re-visiting Trichuris trichiura intensity thresholds based on anemia during pregnancy. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2012; 6: e1783.

Gilbert NL, Auger N, Wilkins R, Kramer MS. Neighbourhood income and neonatal, postneonatal and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) mortality in Canada, 1991-2005. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2013; 104: e187-e192.

Gilbert NL, Bartholomew S, Raynault MF, Kramer MS. Temporal trends in social disparities in maternal smoking and breastfeeding in Canada, 1992-2008. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2014; 18:1905-1911.

Gilbert NL, Nelson CR, Greaves L. Smoking cessation during pregnancy and relapse after childbirth in Canada. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Canada 2015; 37: 32-39.

Gilbert NL, Auger N, Tjepkema M. Stillbirth and infant mortality in Aboriginal communities in Quebec. Health Reports 2015; 26 (2): 3-8.

Lamarre V, Gilbert NL, Rousseau C, Gyorkos TW, Fraser WD. Seroconversion for cytomegalovirus infection in a cohort of pregnant women in Québec, 2010-2013. Epidemiology and Infection 2016; 144: 1701-1709.

Gilbert NL, Gilmour H, Wilson SE, Cantin L. Determinants of non-vaccination and incomplete vaccination in Canadian toddlers. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 2017; 13: 1447-1453.

Gilbert NL, Rotondo J, Shapiro J, Sherrard L, Fraser WD, Ward BJ. Seroprevalence of rubella antibodies and determinants of susceptibility to rubella in a cohort of pregnant women in Canada, 2008-2011. Vaccine 2017; 35: 3050-3055.

Roy M, Sherrard L, Dubé È, Gilbert NL. Determinants of non-vaccination against seasonal influenza. Health Reports 2018; 29: 12-22.

Gilbert NL, Guay M, Kokaua J, Lévesque I, Castillo E, Poliquin V. Pertussis vaccination in Canadian pregnant women, 2018-2019. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Canada 2022; 44: 762-768. 

Guay M, Maquiling A, Chen R, Lavergne V, Baysac DJ, Racine A, Dubé E, MacDonald SE, Gilbert NL. Measuring inequalities in COVID-19 vaccination uptake and intent:
results from the Canadian Community Health Survey 2021
. BMC Public Health 2022; 22:
1708. h

Baysac DJ, Guay M, Lévesque I, Kokaua J, Poliquin V, Castillo E, Gilbert NL. Pertussis non-vaccination during pregnancy despite advice from prenatal care providers. Journal
of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 2023; 45: 102215.

Guay M, Maquiling A, Chen R, Lavergne V, Baysac DJ, Dubé È, MacDonald SE, Driedger SM, Gilbert NL. Racial disparities in COVID-19 vaccination in Canada: results
from the cross-sectional Canadian Community Health Survey
. CMAJ Open 2023; 11: E1075-E1082. 

Jeevakanthan A, Roubos S, Hong C, Hender A, Granger M, Khan S, Shahid M, LeBlanc S, O'Connell J, Gilbert NL. Routine vaccination coverage at ages 2 and 7, before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from the STARVAX surveillance system. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2024; 

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