Marie-Josée FLEURY
Marie-Josée Fleury
- Professeure associée
École de santé publique - Département de gestion, d’évaluation et de politique de santé
Courriels (Travail)
Travail 1 : 514 761-6131 #4344
Web : Site web de l’unité de recherche
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- Psychosocial adaptation
- Health services administration
- Public Administration
- Health systems analysis
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- Organizational change
- Interprofessional collaboration
- Alcohol consomption
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- Health care/Healtcare services organization
- Healthcare/Health care organization
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- Performance of health care/Healthcare delivery system
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- Clinical practice
- Social problems
- Psychiatry
- Quality of health care
- Health care/Healthcare reform
- Interprofessional relationships
- Integrated services networks
- Mental health
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- Health Services
- Primary health care/Healthcare
- Emergency services
- Sex and gender
- Healthcare/Health care systems
- Organizational theory
- Drug Abuse
Student supervision Expand all Collapse all
Research projects Expand all Collapse all
Qualité des services des usagers ayant des troubles liés aux substances (TLS) et troubles mentaux (TM) Projet de recherche au Canada / 2024 - 2028
Trajectoires de soins des personnes affectées par le jeu pathologique Projet de recherche au Canada / 2023 - 2027
Grands utilisateurs des urgences pour raison de santé mentale Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2026
Besoins et adéquation des services des usagers en hébergement avec soutien (situation d'itinérance) Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2026
Trajectoires de soins, profils et résultats de santé des clientèles avec des troubles mentaux Projet de recherche au Canada / 2021 - 2024
Publications Expand all Collapse all
Fleury, M.-J., Z. Cao, G. Grenier (2024). Emergency department use among patients with mental health problems: Profiles, correlates and outcomes, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(864): 1-18.
Fleury, M.-J., Z. Cao, G. Grenier, E. Rahme (2024). Profiles of quality of outpatient care among individuals with mental disorders based on survey and administrative data, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 30: 1373-1385.
Armoon, B.*, G. Grenier, M.-J. Fleury (2024). Perceived higher unmet needs for care among residents in permanent supportive housing, Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, May 31, 1-14,
Fleury, M.-J., A. Imboua, G. Grenier (2024). Barriers and facilitators to high emergency department use among patients with mental disorders. A qualitative investigation, Community Mental Health Journal, 60(5), 869-884.
Fleury, M.-J., L. Rochette, L. Gentil*, G. Grenier, A. Lesage (2024). Predictors of physician follow-up care among patients affected by an incident mental disorder episode in Quebec, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 69(2):100-115.
Fleury, M.-J, Z. Cao, G. Grenier (2024). Characteristics for low, high and very high emergency department use for mental health diagnoses from health records and structured interviews, Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 25(2):144-154.
Fleury, M.-J., F. Ferland, L. Farand, G. Grenier, A. Imboua, F. Gaida* (2024). Reasons Explaining High Emergency Department use in Patients with Mental Illnesses: Different Staff Perspectives, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 0: 1-13.
Armoon, B.,* N. L’Espérance, M.-J. Fleury (2024). Variables associated with quality of life among individuals living in permanent supportive housing, Community Mental Health Journal, 60(2): 259-271.
Armoon, B.*, M.-J. Fleury (2024). Variables associated with higher community integration among residents of permanent supportive housing, Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 1-12.
Fleury, M.-J. (2023). Notions et brève évaluation de la qualité des services en santé mentale au Québec (Éditorial), Santé mentale au Québec. Numéro spécial sur la Qualité des services en santé mentale, XLVIII(2), 13-27.
Fleury, M.-J., Z. Cao, G. Grenier, C, Huỳnh (2023). Profiles of quality of outpatient care received, associated sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, and adverse outcomes among patients with substance-related disorders, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 18(5): 1-13.
Gabet, M*., B. Armoon,* X., Meng, M.-J. Fleury (2023). Effectiveness of interventions to reduce service use for frequent emergency department users with mental health issues: A systematic review, American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 74: 1-8.
Fleury, M.-J., L. Gentil*, G. Grenier, E. Rahme (2022). The impact of 90-day physician follow-up care on the risk of readmission following a psychiatric hospitalization, Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 49:(6):1047-1059.
Fleury, M.-J., Z. Cao, B. Armoon*, G. Grenier, A. Lesage (2022). Profiles of patients using emergency departments and hospitalized for suicidalbehaviors. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 52(5): 943-962.
M.-J Fleury, Z. Cao, G. Grenier, C, Huỳnh (2022). Predictors of death by physical illnesses or accidental/intentional causes among patient with substance-related disorders, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 1-5.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier (2022). Impact de divers types d’hébergement chez les personnes en situation d’itinérance au Québec, Revue Santé publique, 34(3): 1-11.
Gentil, L.*, G. Grenier, H.-M. Vasiliadis, M.-J. Fleury (2022). Predictors of length of hospitalization and impact on early readmissio in mental health, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15127): 2-19.
Gabet, M*., M.-J. Fleury (2022). Innovations organisationnelles aux urgences pour améliorer la qualité des soins dispensés aux patients souffrant de troubles mentaux : perspectives internationales, Journal de Gestion et d’Économie de la Santé, 40(2): 10-25.
M.-J. Fleury, L. Gentil*, G. Grenier, E. Rahme (2022). The impact of 90-day physician follow-up care on the risk of readmission following a psychiatric hospitalization, APMH, 1-13.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, Z. Cao, C. Huỳnh, D. Chihade* (2022). Predictors of emergency department use for suicidal behaviors among patients with substance-related disorders. Archives of Suicide Research, 1-22.
M.-J Fleury, Z. Cao, B. Armoon*, G. Grenier, A. Lesage (2022). Profiles of patients using emergency departments and hospitalized for suicidal behaviors. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior (SLTB), 52: 943-962.
Gabet, M.*, Z. Cao, M.J. Fleury (2022). Profiles, correlates and outcomes among patients experiencing an onset of mental disorder based on outpatient care received following index emergency department visits. CJP: 1-15.
Gabet, M.*, L. Gentil, A. Lesage, M.-J. Fleury (2022). Thirty-day outpatient physician follow-up after emergency department visits among patients with mental disorders. BJPsych Open, 8, e95: 1-10.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, Z. Cao, C. Huỳnh (2022). Profiles of individuals with cannabis-related disorders: a latent class analysis. Substance Abuse, 43(1): 855-864.
Armoon B.*, Z. Cao, G. Grenier, X. Meng, M.-J. Fleury (2022). Profiles of high emergency department users with mental disorders. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 54:131-141.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, Z. Cao, X. Meng (2021). Typology of Currently or Formerly Homeless Individuals Based on Their Use of Health and Social Services. Community Mental Health Journal, 57(5): 948-959.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, L. Gentil*, P. Roberge (2021). Deployment of the consultation-liaison model in adult and child-adolescent psychiatry and its impact on improving mental health treatment. BMC Family Practice, 22(1): 82.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, L. Gentil* (2021). Profiles of Quebec specialist respondent-psychiatrists (SRP) based on their perceptions related to the capacity of the SRP function to improve treatment of mental health disorders in primary care and youth centers. Mental Health in Family Medicine, 17: 1054-1062.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, J. Sabetti, K. Bertrand, M. Clément, S. Brochu (2021). Met and unmet needs of homeless individuals at different stages of housing reintegration: a mixed-method investigation, 1-18, Plos One.
Gentil, L.*, G. Grenier, M.-J. Fleury (2020). Determinants of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt among currently and recently homeless individuals, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatry and Epidemiology.
Gentil, L.*, G. Grenier, M.-J. Fleury (2021). Factors Related to 30-day Readmission following Hospitalization for any medical reason among Patients with Mental Disorders. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 66(1): 43-55.
Gabet, M.*, G. Grenier, Z. Cao., M.-J. Fleury (2020). Implementation of three innovative interventions in a psychiatric emergency department aimed at improving services use: a mixed-method study, BMC Health Services Research, 20(1):854.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, Z. Cao, Meng, X. (2020). Typology of currently or formerly homeless individuals based on their use of health and social services. Community mental health journal.
Fleury, M.-J., L. Rochette, G. Grenier, C. Huynh, H.-M. Vasiliadis, E. Pelletier, A. Lesage, (2019). Factors associated with emergency department use for mental health reasons among low, moderate, and high users, General Hospital Psychiatry, 60: 111-119.
Loranger, C.*, J.-M. Bamvita, M.-J. Fleury (2019). Typology of patients with mental health disorders and perceived continuity of care. Journal of Mental Health.
Fleury, M.-J., M. Fortin*, L. Rochette, G. Grenier, C. Huynh, E. Pelletier, H.-M. Vasiliadis (2019). Assessing quality indicators related to mental health emergency room utilization. BMC Emergency Medicine, 19(8): 1-15.
Fleury, M.-J., J. Sabetti, J.-M. Bamvita, G. Grenier (2019). Modeling variables associated with personal recovery among service users with mental disorders using community-based services. International Journal of social psychiatry, 65(2): 123-135.
Fleury, M.-J., L. Rochette, M. Fortin, A. Lesage, H.-M. Vasiliadis, C. Huynh, E. Pelletier (2019). Surveillance de l’utilisation des urgences au Québec par les patients ayant des troubles mentaux (Report de recherche). INSPQ, 21 p.
Fleury, M.-J., M. Benigeri, A. Delorme, A. Vanasse (2018). Utilisation et enjeux des données clinico-administratives dans le domaine de la santé mentale et de la dépendance, Revue Santé mentale au Quebec, 43(2): 21-38.
Drapeau, A., M.-J. Fleury, L. Gentil* (2018). Sociodemographic variation in increasing needs for mental health services among Canadian adults from 2002 to 2012. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1-14.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, C. Vallée, L. Ferland, F. Chiocchio, J.-M. Bamvita (2018). Évaluation du Plan d’action en santé mentale (2005-2015): Intégration et performance des réseaux de services. Revue Santé Mentale au Quebec, XLIII(1): 15-38.
Fortin, M.*, C. Zhirong, M.-J. Fleury (2018). A typology of satisfaction with mental health services based on Andersen’s Behavioral Model (2018). Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 53(6): 587-595.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, J.-M. Bamvita (2018). Associated and mediating variables related to quality of life among service users with mental disorders. Quality of Life Research, 27(2): 491-502.
Fleury, M.-J., J.-M. Bamvita, G. Grenier (2018). Comparing perceived adequacy of help received among different classes of individuals with severe mental disorders at five-year follow-up: A longitudinal cluster analysis. Community Mental Health Journal, 54(5): 540-554.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, J.-M. Bamvita (2017). A comparative study of job satisfaction among nurses, psychologists/psychotherapists and social workers working in Quebec mental health teams. BMC Nursing, 16(62): 1-12.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, J.-M. Bamvita, F. Chiocchio (2017). Variables associated with work performance in multidisciplinary mental health teams. Sage Open Medicine, (5): 1-12.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, J.-M. Bamvita (2016). Severity of needs among individuals with severe mental disorders: Changes after a five-year follow-up. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 204(2): 132-141.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, C. Vallée, D. Aubé, L. Farand, J.-M. Bamvita, G. Cyr (2016). Implementation of the Quebec mental health reform (2005-2015). BMC Health Services Research, 16(1): 586.
Fleury, M.-J., J.-M. Bamvita, G. Grenier, N. Schmitz, M. Piat, J. Tremblay (2016). Adequacy of help received by individuals with severe mental disorders after a major healthcare reform in Quebec: Predictors and changes at 5-year follow-up. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 43(5): 799-812.
Fleury, M.-J., M. Perreault, G. Grenier, A. Imboua*, S. Brochu (2016). Implementing key strategies for successful network integration in the Quebec Substance-Use Disorders Program. International Journal of Integrated Care, 16(1): 7.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, J.-M. Bamvita, M. Perreault, J. Caron (2016). Variables associated with perceived unmet needs for mental health care in a Canadian epidemiological catchment area. Psychiatric Services, 67(1): 78-85.
Fleury, M.-J., A. Djouini, C. Huynh, J. Tremblay, F. Ferland, J.-M. Ménard, G. Belleville (2016). Remission from substance-use disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Drug and alcohol dependence, Nov 1; 168: 293-306. .
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, J.-M. Bamvita (2015). Predictive typology of subjective quality of life among participants with severe mental disorders after a five-year follow-up: A longitudinal two-step cluster analysis. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 13(150).
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, J.-M. Bamvita, M. Perreault, J. Caron (2015). Typology of individuals with substance dependence based on a Montreal longitudinal catchment area study. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 42(4): 405-419.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, J.-M. Bamvita (2015). Predictors of frequent recourse to health professionals by people with severe mental disorders. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 60(2): 77-86.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier, J.-M. Bamvita, M. Perreault, J. Caron (2014). Predictors of alcohol and drug dependence. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 59(4): 203-212.
Fleury, M.J. in collaboration with A. Delorme (guest editors). (2014). Politiques de santé mentale. (special issue) Revue Santé Mentale au Quebec, 39(1).
Tremblay, J., J.-M. Bamvita, G. Grenier, M.-J. Fleury (2014). Utility of the Montreal assessment of need questionnaire for community mental health planning. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 202(9): 677-687.
Fleury, M.-J. (2014). La réforme des soins primaires de santé mentale au Québec et le rôle et les stratégies de coordination des omnipraticiens. Revue Santé Mentale au Québec, 39(1): 25-45.
Fleury, M.-J., L. Farand, D. Aubé, A. Imboua (2012). Management of mental health problems by general practitioners in Quebec/La prise en charge des troubles de santé mentale chez les omnipraticiens du Québec. Canadian Family Physician, 58 (12): e732-738, e725-731.
Fleury, M.-J., Bamvita, J.-M., Farand, L., Aubé, D., Fournier, L. & Lesage, A. (2012). GP group profiles and involvement in mental health care. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 18(2): 396-403.
Fleury, M.-J., G. Grenier (2012). État de situation sur la santé mentale au Quebec et réponse du système de santé et des services sociaux. Vol. 2, Rapport d’appréciation de la performance du système de santé et des services sociaux 2012. Quebec, Gouvernement du Quebec, 232 pages.
Fleury, M.-J. (guest editor) (2009). Les soins primaires en santé mentale. Revue santé Mentale au Quebec, 34(1).
Fleury, M.-J., M. Tremblay, H. Nguyen, L. Bordeleau (2007). Le système sociosanitaire au Quebec. Régulation, gouvernance et participation. Montreal: Gaëtan Morin Publisher, 513 p.
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