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Mémoires et thèses

Consultez sur Papyrus plusieurs thèses et mémoires récemment publiés par nos chercheurs, chercheuses, étudiantes et étudiants.

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Visiter Papyrus
Date Trier par date en ordre croissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre croissant
1996 Taux d'émission et caractéristiques physico-chimiques des particules contenant du manganèse provenant de la combustion de l'essence avec du méthylcyclopentadiényle manganèse tricarbonyle (MMT)
2010-10 Taux quotidiens d’inhalation et paramètres cardio-pulmonaires chez l’humain selon les données publiées en rapport au double marquage des molécules d’eau pour l’analyse du risque
2012-01 Technologies de prescription informatisée et transformation du rôle des pharmaciens communautaires
2008 Technology adoption among Canadian dentists
2017-04 The advantages of using endoscopic ultrasound in adult patients with early stage rectal cancer : a systematic review
2017-04 The association between childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication use and symptoms of mental health problems in adolescence : A 15-year longitudinal population-based study
2000 The collective lifestyles framework : a contextual analysis of social practices, social structure and disease
1992 The effect of migrant adaptation on perinatal health in Montréal
2015-08 The French Canadian founder population : lessons and insights for genetic epidemiological research
2013-10 The Hygiene Hypothesis and the risk of Crohn’s disease : a case-control study utilizing prospectively-collected exposure data from an administrative database
2016-12 The Implementation of an Organizational Committee for Patient Engagement in the Context of Mental Health : A Case Study
2014-08 The influence of environmental contaminants on time to pregnancy
2014-06 The influence of primary care clinic characteristics on the quality of care for depression in patients with different comorbidity profiles
2022-11 The influence of smoking and occupational exposures on DNA methylation in the AHRR and F2RL3 genes.
2014-04 The Nursing Intensity Critical Care Questionnaire (NICCQ) : Validation Study in Cardiac Surgery Patients
1995 Théorie du comportement planifié et planification des programmes de promotion en santé du coeur
2004 Théorie implicite du changement de la Commission sur l'avenir des soins de santé au Canada
2013-03 The potential utility of age, triage score, and disposition data contained in emergency department electronic records for influenza-like illness surveillance in Montreal
2005 The relationship between markers of risk-taking tendecies and the first year driving records of young drivers
2018-10 The risk of cancer in statin users : a clinical and genetic approach
2020-08 The role of coping style in the relationship between stressful life events and depressive symptoms in young adults
2007 The role of gender and social context for men's and women's smoking behaviour
2017-09 The transnational governance of global health : Norwegian and Swiss cases of national policies on global health
2020-03 The unintended consequences of a complex intervention combining performance-based financing with health equity measures in Burkina Faso
2005 The wait for total hip replacement by patients with osteoarthritis
2020-07 Timely treatment initiation of free drug-resistant tuberculosis care in Nigeria? : a mixed methods study of patient experience, socio-demographic characteristics and health system factors
2022-01 Time series analysis and modeling of dengue and environmental factors in Meta, Colombia from 2014-2019
2012-08 Towards the identification of a neighbourhood park typology : a conceptual and methodological exploration
1990 Toxic interactions between monoketonic solvents and some environmental pollutants of concern
2023-03 Traduction de valeurs-guides d’exposition pour l’acide perfluorooctanoïque (PFOA) en équivalents de biosurveillance