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/ École de santé publique

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Research at ESPUM

Our researchers are actively involved in improving the health of Canadians and people around the world through their research, advocacy efforts and knowledge transfer initiatives.


Affiliated Research Centres
Our researchers are affiliated with a wide range of research centres, including:

They also work within different networks and professional fields of practice dedicated to producing and applying leading-edge knowledge in public health.


Our Researchers in Action
Our researchers’ efforts underpin the work of healthcare executives here and around the world. They are active in committees led by provincial, national and international agencies, like the World Health Organization (WHO), through which they help determine key healthcare policies and public health research priorities.


Prestigious Recognition
Our Research Chairs (French link) attest to the excellence and dynamism of our research in population health, innovation, global health, environmental health and occupational health.

Our school’s researchers include three members of the Royal Society of Canada: Jean-Louis Denis, Lise Gauvin, André-Pierre Contandriopoulos.


Research in the Spotlight
Our researchers often fuel public discussion when answering reporters’ questions on public health issues.


Here Are Some Interesting Blogs and Websites Run by Our Researchers :


Bryn Williams-Jones is Editor-in-chief of this bilingual (French/English), international, online, peer-reviewed Canadian bioethics journal, which publishes theoretical, conceptual and empirical research in Bioethics.

Dr. Louise Potvin created this site to present works from her Canada Research Chair in Community Approaches and Health Inequality, whose mission is to shed light on and support practices that promote health equality.

This site hosts articles based on research projects by Valéry Ridde and his associates. Topics include access to healthcare, shared program assessments and scientific viewpoints on global health issues.

This blog by Pascale Lehoux focuses on innovations in healthcare. It is completely independent and financed solely by public research funding.

This site presents research by Lise Gauvin. It focuses on the socioeconomic factors that influence physical activity, efforts to promote regular physical activity among the public and social factors in abnormal dietary habits.