You’re not just getting an education . . . you’re getting an exciting, rewarding career in line with your goals.
ESPUM offers:
- Accredited training programs, which have been developed over the course of more than 60 years and taught by practitioners and researchers in public health
- One of the world’s largest groups of public health researchers and experts
- Extraordinary access to all fields of public health
- An international network of scientists deeply committed to their research
- World-renowned professors
- The only French-speaking Canadian institution to rank among the world’s top 150 universities in all international categories
ESPUM at a glance
Only French-language school in the world and the second in Canada to be accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), The School of Public Health of the Université de Montréal (ESPUM) is a centre of excellence and critical thinking in teaching, research and knowledge translation in all fields of public health. Drawing on knowledge derived from scientific excellence, the School offers recognized high-level training for undergraduate and graduate students.
Each year, the UdeM School of Public Health (ESPUM) welcomes more than 1,000 students enrolled in graduate programs covering all public health disciplines: health administration, health evaluation, health promotion, global health, biostatistics, epidemiology, bioethics, environmental health, occupational hygiene, toxicology and risk analysis, in addition to the master's and doctoral degrees in public health and their many options. It also manages the University's Faculty of Medicine clerkship and residency programs in public health and preventive medicine.
In addition to these graduate programs, several undergraduate programs have been added since 2018 for students who are interested in population health, environmental health and how to promote health through organized societal efforts, including a minor in public health and globalization, a bachelor's degree in environmental public health and occupational safety, and an undergraduate minor and microprogram in bioethics.
Our academic programs
Our mission
The mission of the École de Santé Publique de l’Université de Montréal (ESPUM) is to contribute to the improvement of planetary health through innovation and leadership in education, research, and service at local and global levels.
Our vision
ESPUM encourages and supports creativity, interdisciplinarity, and continued innovation in all areas of teaching, research, service, and governance.
Our core values
Humanism, equity, collaboration, diversity, innovation, excellence.
Research at ESPUM
The School is the fourth largest faculty at the Université de Montréal in terms of research activities. A dozen research chairs are directed by its professors. The Centre de Recherche en Santé Publique (formerly IRSPUM) is the main research pole of the ESPUM, focusing on the organization of health services, health determinants, the environment in health, global health and the evaluation of interventions. The School's professors are also associated with the research centers of the CHUM (population health), Hôpital Ste-Justine (maternal and child health), the CIUSSS du Nord-de-l'Île and the Centre Léa Roback of the Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal (social inequalities in health).
Research at the ESPUM is :
- one of the largest groupings of public health researchers and experts in the world ;
- exceptional access to all fields of public health;
- a worldwide network of enthusiasts ;
- internationally recognized professors;
En savoir plus sur la recherche à l'ESPUM.
Yuliya Legkaya
Doctorat en santé publique (option Promotion de la santé)
"Le doctorat en promotion de la santé est pour celles et ceux qui se préoccupent du bien-être commun, qui cherchent des solutions dans les déterminants sociaux et environnementaux de la santé, et qui sont prêts à mettre à l'épreuve leur vision du monde."
An accredited school and programs

ESPUM is the only French-language School of Public Health in the world, the second in Canada and the fourth outside the United States to be accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), the only organization responsible for the accreditation of public health schools and programs worldwide. This accreditation demonstrates the School's compliance with the high quality standards set by CEPH and its ability to train professionals and researchers for multiple public health roles at the local, national and international levels. > More information on this accreditation (french).

ESPUM is a member of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER), the leading independent European organization dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving the education and training of public health professionals for practice and research. ASPHER is an organization composed of institutions, located throughout the EU and the wider WHO European Region, that are collectively concerned with the education and training, and professionalism, of those who enter and work in the public health workforce. It promotes activities that foster the exchange of information and good practice among its members in an effort to achieve high standards of public health education and training throughout Europe.

APHEA (, the European Agency for the Accreditation of Public Health Programs and Institutions, has just validated several of the School's programs and activities (Master of Public Health - Global Health option and two continuing education activities). This first step recognizes the relevance and quality of our public health training activities and authorizes the submission of an application for institutional accreditation.
The agency represents the five major public health associations in the European Region and is committed to ensuring and improving the quality of educational activities throughout the European Region and the world. Accreditation aims to support the continuous improvement of public health education and training worldwide by providing transparent international recognition of quality. APHEA accreditation is available to any public health training institution, program or course worldwide.

The Master of Health Services Administration program, Health Systems Management option, has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME) for over fifty years, making UdeM one of only three universities outside of the United States to receive this accreditation.

The option in Occupational Hygiene from our Master of Environmental Health is accredited by the Canadian Council on Occupational Hygiene Accreditation (CCAHO), which sets the professional standards of competence for occupational hygienists and occupational health technicians in Canada. Registration with the CCAHT entitles the holder to use the designation of Registered Occupational Hygienist (ROH) or Registered Occupational Health Technician (ROHT). The designations indicate the attainment and maintenance of a high level of professional standing recognized in all Canadian jurisdictions.