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/ École de santé publique

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International Scope
Our researchers’ efforts underpin the work of healthcare executives from around the world. They are currently involved in major studies taking place in numerous countries, in conjunction with other universities.

Internationally Renowned Expertise
Our researchers are active in committees of provincial, national and international agencies, such as the World Health Organization (WHO).

Global Health—A Pillar of Our Research
Our researchers have been forging research projects with developing nations and transitional economies for more than 25 years. Most of these projects are based in West Africa, South America and India.

Global Health Research Chair
Our school hosts an Applied Chair of Public Health: Applied Intervention Research in Public Health and Equity awarded to Valéry Ridde by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). This Chair focuses its research on the implementation of community interventions with a positive impact on global health equity.

Global Health Research Groups

  • The World Health Hub of the CHUM Research Centre (CRCHUM).


Current Research Topics
Some of the many topics being covered by our global health researchers include:

  • Equity and access to healthcare among the most vulnerable populations
  • Healthcare funding
  • Maternal and newborn mortality
  • Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and malaria
  • Vaccination
  • Human resources
  • Chronic disease
  • Nutrition
  • Evaluating public health policies