Discover all our programs
Choose from over 30 programs of study in thirteen different areas of specialization, and take action to improve the health of populations locally, nationally and internationally.
Université de Montréal's School of Public Health is a world-renowned institution of excellence, welcoming students every year to undergraduate and postgraduate programs covering all public health disciplines: health administration, health assessment, health promotion, global health, biostatistics, epidemiology, bioethics, environmental health, occupational hygiene, toxicology and risk analysis, as well as master's and doctoral degrees in public health and their many options. It also manages the externship and residency programs in public health and preventive medicine at the University's Faculty of Medicine.
Complementary, modular training courses
If you're not sure you want to go right away for a Master's degree, choose a step-by-step approach with our "nesting" programs! Start with a short program such as a microprogram or a DESS, then enter the master's program, where the credits earned will be transferred. As long as you achieve a grade point average that meets the program's criteria, the courses credited in one program can be used as a bridge from one program to another, allowing you to progress at your own pace. For more information, conditions apply.